Many years after the events of Predacons Rising, Cybertron's genesis brought fourth a new age of prosperity to a new generation of Transformers. Earth no longer remembers the Decepticon-Autobot conflict as Cybertronians stopped visiting the planet. Bumblebee has since become a seasoned Cybertronian police officer and despite his fame, he chose to be a humble peacekeeper. Things would change when he is summoned by the vision of Optimus Prime. Thought to be long dead after restoring Cybertron, Optimus called for Bumblebee to return to Earth as a new threat appears. With the help of Sideswipe (a rebel "bad boy bot") and Strongarm (an Elite Guard cadet partnered to him), the trio made it to Earth to discover a crashed prison ship, the Alchemor and its steward Fixit (a hyperactive Mini-Con with faulty wiring). They soon learned the ship had over a hundred Decepticon prisoners within suspension pods, but all had escaped. It is now their duty to recapture all escaped Decepticon prisoners before they cause further harm on Earth. With the unlikely aid of two humans Russell and Denny Clay and the Dinobot Grimlock (who was a prisoner of Alchemor before siding with Bumblebee). Bumblebee leads this unlikely team to protect Earth from the Decepticon prisoners led by Steeljaw and restore order.
Season 1, Episode 1 - "Pilot (Part 1)"
While helping Strongarm to apprehend Sideswipe, Bumblebee gets a vision of Optimus Prime where the vision draws Bumblebee back to Earth with Strongarm and Sideswipe along for the ride. He finds that the Decepticon prison ship Alchemor has crashlanded on Earth and it's Decepticon inmates have escaped.
MP4 | AAC VBR | 149MB
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MKV | AC3 CBR | 446MB
NFO – Torrent Search – ViP FiLE – UPLOADED – RAPiDGATOR – Uploadable