Plot: 2 years after the end of the war, the surviving residents of Tatsumiya Island continued their everyday life. Kazuki became nearly blind and partially crippled from his battle against the aliens, named Festum. his friend Soushi, who never returned since the battle, promised to return to the island to set things right again. one day, Soushi returned on a submarine, but he claimed to be Misao instead. they realized that he wasn’t entirely human. after his arrival, Festum invaded and another battle started. the Fafner pilots weer forced into the battle again, to defend their land.
Genre: Anime
IMDB Rating: N/A
Directed by: N/A
Starring: Joel McDonald, Micah Solusod
Release Name: Fafner.Heaven.and.Earth.2011.BDRip.XviD-RedBlade
Size: 700 MB
Video: MKV | 640x352 | 925 Kbps
Audio: Japanese | MP3 | 119 kbps
Runtime: 95 MIN
Subtitles: English
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