"Chrisley Knows Best" is a real-life family comedy which follows Atlanta-based self-made multimillionaire Todd Chrisley, his devoted wife Julie and their five children who live a seemingly picture-perfect Southern life with everything money can buy. A "patriarch of perfection," Todd runs his family just like his business - with an iron fist - and micromanages every move and expenditure made by each member of the Chrisley clan. But behind the facade of the family's fairy-tale like 30,000 square-foot home, real-life issues and lots of laugh-out-loud drama unfolds.
Season 1, Episode 1 - "Patriarch Of Perfection (Pilot)"
Meet the Chrisley family, where Todd Chrisley is king. He micromanages his family just like his business and always tries to stay five steps ahead of his 5 children, especially his girl-crazy, teenage son Chase. When Chase disobeys Todd and sneaks out to go to a football game, he quickly learns the consequences of disobeying the king.
Season 2, Episode 2 - Not So Sweet Sixteen"
Savannah is turning sweet 16, and a big birthday bash is in the works. Todd has to come to grips with the fact that his little girl is growing into a young woman. At the party, Todd keeps a watchful eye on girl-crazy Chase as he flirts with all of Savannah’s friends.
Links: HOMEPAGE – TVRage
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