Animated MTV series about two teenaged heavy-metal music fans who occasionally do idiotic things because they are bored. For them, everything is "cool" or "sucks". Deliberately unintelligent and crude, Beavis and Butt-Head revolved around the high-schoolers' discussions about TV, heavy-metal music, nachos and trying to "score" with chicks. Their conversations were usually peppered with phrases like "ass-munch," "butt-hole" and "fart-knocker" that became part of the cultural lexicon, as well as uncontrollable giggling. When Beavis and Butt-Head weren't sitting on the couch, they'd try to pick up girls at the local convenience store, slack off at school or wreak havoc while working at a burger joint, where they'd often deep-fry body parts or dead mice for fun.
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