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Sept 24

Battle of Britain Model Squadron S01E03 HDTV x264-TVC

The modellers have reached Battle of Britain Day: 15 September. This was the climax of the Battle of Britain, when the RAF threw everything at the massed squadrons of Luftwaffe that were trying to attack London. It was on this day that Douglas Bader's controversial tactic, the Big Wing, was successfully deployed as five squadrons flew together in tight formation. The RAF modellers must try to bring to life a model Big Wing, getting all of their planes in the sky at once and flying in formation before their final dogfight with the model Luftwaffe. It's Luftwaffe squadron leader Jurgen's birthday, and he spends it contending with failing engines, rogue pilots and fog.


MP4 | AAC VBR | 538MB

Sept 17

Battle of Britain Model Squadron S01E02 x264-TVC

On 15 August 1940, in what became known as Black Thursday, the Luftwaffe tried to break the RAF with low-level attacks on their planes on the ground. The skills of the modellers are put to the test as they try to recreate a bombing raid from that day. In history the Luftwaffe bombed the wrong airfield; what will the model Luftwaffe do? Under the command of real life RAF Tornado technician Mike Mathias, the model RAF squadron has to train some new pilots to fly Spitfires and Hurricanes, including Polish drone pilot Magdalena.


MP4 | AAC VBR | 585MB

Sept 9

Battle of Britain Model Squadron S01E01 x264-TVC

Cutting-edge technology, bulldog spirit and, if we must, “German efficiency” are employed by British and German model aircraft pilots, dogfighting it out in the skies amid the kites and drones to recreate the Battle of Britain in this jolly new series marking the centenary of the RAF. Yes, it’s Robot Wars with Nazis. Historian James Holland looks over the aerial antics, examining the key tactics used by the Spitfires against the Messerschmitts to prevent jackboots in Whitehall.

Season 1, Episode 1
The model squadron re-enact the early events of the Battle of Britain, from 4 July 1940, with model Hurricanes, Stukas and Messerschmitts that can shoot each other down.


MP4 | AAC VBR | 541MB