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Mar 9

a better approach

we had many requests about this feature and last night i was buzzed enough to do it.
right now you can find out about current day hot posts in TOP 50 Page which is located at the top Navigation bar or you can simply Click Here

remember that nothing happens unless we imagine it ... !!!!

im looking forward to your feedback Via Email.

Feb 18

whats going on??

Well guys sorry for the late news but there was too much problem and too little time

about this new theme our old theme has some bugs and we are working on it please bear with this one for a bit .

Feb 1

Slow ....

theres been so many DDos attacks on our servers which cause this awful load time

if you bear with us for a few more days everything will be back to normal.

sorry for inconvenience

Update well its finally here i got some cisco firewalls and better server, it cost me so much but it worth it!! just a bit more and we are done! ;)

Dec 11

ho ho ho and its almost done !

first of all sorry for these past days error pages, i had little time and there was to much work to do.

After 6 endless night i finally managed to migrate RlsBB database and configuration to the new server.

right now there should not be any problems but if you feel like you have reached a page that says error in some way, please contact us and put "Site Problem" in your email subject.



Oct 28


we have noticed some of our users are experiencing website unavailability.

if that's the case and you have these problems please send us an email with a screenshot(screenshot is optional but it can help)

and we process this problems more accurately.

our Email: [email protected]

use problem as subject


Oct 12

Feedback time!


its been a while since we have started RlsBB and with our efforts and your generous clicking RlsBB found a place in top but why should we stop here? there is always time to get better actually there is always ways to get better so im asking you ! (i feel like uncel sam now :D) to tell me what you dont like about RlsBB and what you think we should do about it .

any comment other than site related ones will be deleted .

Update 1 : thank you for feedbacks ,we need some time to process all this information

update 2 : oct/12/2012

  1. AM/PM for time is duly noted i'll try to set it up asap
  2. we are always working to ban people responsible for bad links but as you know  it dosent matter how many rat you kill they always find a going to add something so it will be easier to report these people.

update 3 : oct/20/2012

  1. we are now stammping all posts with AM/PM.
  2. server time Widget added to sidebar.
  3. TV schedule added to sidebar.
  4. you can now report comments to us via report link in every comment.

July 13

down time ....

sorry guys for the down time but we have bit of problems right now and we are trying to sort it out
we will keep you posted

Aug 24

Official RlsBB Page On Facebook

I guess you probably noticed our Like buttons here on Rlsbb, which allows you to share interesting content at Rlsbb with your Facebook friends. Now we decided to launch also official Rlsbb page on Facebook. The official page will bring you updates about latest interesting releases, tips for great movies or games, special competitions and offers and other news. If you join the page, the news from Rlsbb will appear directly in your News feed, so you will be always updated with latest content from us.The address is simple: .

Join us!