Jan 9

Alaska-Battle on the Bay S01E01 Let the Battle Begin 720p HDTV x264-DHD

In Alaska, fishing is a full-contact sport, and on Thursday, January 8, at 10 PM ET/PT, prepare for war on the water. Animal Planet's eight-part series ALASKA: BATTLE ON THE BAY submerges viewers within a high-stakes fishing drama as 1,800 captains and their crews draw the battle lines to help protect Alaska's ecosystem from the 44 million strong sockeye salmon migration and reel in a massive payday.

Season 01 , Episode 01 -- "Let the Battle Begin!"
Every salmon season on Bristol Bay is a war, but this year promises to be legendary. The price is historically high, the stocks of fish are huge and the only thing guaranteed is a battle on the bay.

Links: HOMEPAGE – TVRage

MKV | AC3 CBR | 1.30GB
NFO – Torrent Search – ViP FiLE – UPLOADED – RAPiDGATOR – Uploadable

Alaska-Battle.on.the.Bay.S01E01.Let.the.Battle.Begin.HDTV.XviD-AFG [P2P]
AVi | MP3 VBR | 413MB
NFO – Torrent SearchViP FiLEUPLOADEDRAPiDGATORUploadable

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